Author Archives: Jesse

Trailblazer: Week 11 or so

Showing off some growth and crazy roots here.

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Week 4: Trailblazer update. New shiny foliage!

Brief, to the point update. Foliage! 

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What lights do I use?

I have failed to mention, but this was probably obvious. I am growing this specific plant in my office. I am currently using an AeroGarden LED for it’s light source, along with an open window (M-F). On the weekend only … Continue reading

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Week: Unknown, for what I will call Avacadeux.

This one is an interesting story. I have had it “growing” for months. It grew a LOT of roots but took forever to actually sprout upward. I put it in a cloner machine, which is essentially a deep water culture … Continue reading

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Week 3: We have vegetative growth for Trailblazer!

I’ve renamed Avo1 to “Trailblazer” since it’s the first plant tracked by this blog. Today, after being out of work since Friday (today is Thursday), I’m seeing new vegetative growth on this guy. Although I would have liked to have … Continue reading

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Day 0: Teenie-cado!

I just harvested this little guy a day or two ago and decided to give it a shot. The larger one is what I typically get when buying larger variety ‘cados. Harvested that one today and it is great for … Continue reading

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Week 2: Update since adding Trailblazer to hydro.

Subsequent posts are pretty much going to be simple progress updates from this point on. They may be a bit more detailed when I swap containers, but for the most part “business as usual” will consist of update photos, topping … Continue reading

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Week 1: New growth after 7 days of hydro.

The last and original post was essentially a combined few months which skipped the boring process of waiting for the seed to sprout. In this brief update, I will show you a 7 day difference of the original seed, now … Continue reading

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Week 0: The first seeds.

The first steps I usually take are not shown here. However, I always peel off the reddish skin from a fresh avocado seed before dropping them in their little boat. Sometimes this takes a while to do. Often times I’ll … Continue reading

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