What lights do I use?

I have failed to mention, but this was probably obvious. I am growing this specific plant in my office. I am currently using an AeroGarden LED for it’s light source, along with an open window (M-F). On the weekend only the AeroGarden is providing it’s light. So far it’s been doing awesome.

At home I have a light similar if not the same as this YGROW LED Grow Light Full Spectrum 600W. I chose this light since it’s white LED and doesn’t hurt your eyes like the “blurple” lights do. So far it’s been doing great for my pepper plants and other varieties I’m growing. If growing indoors, definitely consider a light that puts off white lights. If you go with the “blurple” type lights your neighbors may think you’re growing something a little more fragrant.

As always, let me know if you have any questions. I’m no expert, but I know enough to point you in the right direction, depending on your needs.

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