Day 0: Teenie-cado!

I just harvested this little guy a day or two ago and decided to give it a shot. The larger one is what I typically get when buying larger variety ‘cados. Harvested that one today and it is great for comparison purposes. Once the shell dries a bit I’ll start it as well. But for now, let’s get this little one skinned! 

For the small ones, I’ve noticed they don’t seem to last very long. Here’s one I neglected too long that didn’t make it. It was almost like cracking an egg only to find a weird little alien head inside. 

I’ve yet to get one this small to germinate, so I figured why not. But the problem has been, they are too small for my little AvoSeedo boats. Somewhere along the line I saw a cheap idea for making avocado’s float: a pool noodle cut into donuts. Simple, and brilliant. But would it work? Let’s find out. 

Also since it’s almost spring, these are probably on sale at your local Walmart right now for $1-$2. And the best part is, you can make a ton of floats with one noodle. Can’t beat it! 

Perfect fit, but make sure you have a little bit of the seed below the “inner tube” so it can touch the water, like so. 

Float test… 


Fingers crossed for this little guy. 


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